Scientific Evidence

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P.H. Voon, Tony K.W. Ng, Verna K.M. Lee, K. Nesaretnam
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P. Lucci, M. Borrero, A. Ruiz, D. Pacetti, N.G. Frega, O. Diez, M. Ojeda, R. Gagliardi, L. Parra, M. Angel
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W. Stonehouse, B. Benassi-Evans, G. James-Martin, M. Abewardena
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S.W. Gouk, S.F. Cheng, Josephine S.L. Mok, Augustine S.H. Ong, C.H. Chuah
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S.S. Teh, S.H. Mah, S.W. Gouk, P.T. Voon, Augustine S.H. Ong, Y.M. Choo
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E. Gesteiro, L. Guijarro, F.J. Sanchez-Muniz, M.C. Vidal-Carou, A. Troncoso, L. Venanci, V. Jimeno, J. Quilez, A. Anadon, M. Gonzalez-Gross
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